Introduce Myself Part Two

I graduated from MAM 3 Lamongan. And then I hope to enter the State University. Finally, I graduated from my high school. I signed up through snmptn and Alhamdulillah finally received at the State University Islamic of Sunan Ampel Surabaya majoring in English education. Really the greatest happiness in my life can go on to college. The most beautiful gift of god and may Allah bless each of my steps.

Actually, I choose English education without deep thinking before (asal asalan hehe). I'm not very good at English speaking, I think English is the most horrible lesson during high school but start interested to learn English, I want to speak English more fluent, absolutely, if we want to go abroad, we must prepare a set document or TOEFL minimum 650 or IELTS minimum 6,5 to get there. I have dream to continue my post-graduate in the Melbourne University, Australia. I must to learn English starting from zero. It is very difficult and requires a tremendous amount of patience and hard work to study English Language. I hope that I’ll be able to face these challenges, and hopefully my dream will come true.

I choose English Education rather than English Literature. It is due to, I want to learn English as well as being a good educator. I’m personally interested in becoming an English Language Teacher and ambassador for Indonesia. And one day I hope to be a good educator and improve the infrastructure of education infrastructure even better. 

I also choose State University Islamic of Sunan Ampel Surabaya rather than other state Islamic University or State University not Islamic with top ranking. Because, in this University, there is Islamic teaching and UINSA graduates majoring in English is uinique, not only able to speak English but can understand about Islam one of them can memorize 30th juz that distinguishes graduates of English education in UINSA than at other state universities. I am proud to be a part of UINSA. 

Thank you for the nice attention to read this content. I hope you will enjoy during read all of the content in my blog😉.

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