Collaborative Writing by Using Google Docs

Writing is one of the four main skills that must be mastered by the foreign language learners. It could be like that because writing plays an important role in learning English. However, learning writing in English is also difficult especially in Indonesia since English is still a foreign language for Indonesian learners.

To make the students enjoy in writing process, writing class should have interesting learning process. One of the media that can be used by the lecturer in teaching writing is ICT. ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) means the technologies that support delivering information and communication.

Along with the development of ICT today, there are many free online media that can be used as media for teaching and learning writing. One appropriate media that can be used in teaching and learning writing is Google Docs.

Google docs is one of the feature of Google served for all its users that can be used as a media for collaborative writing in which all students in one class can contribute to make a good writing. It can facilitate collaborative writing and editing among students. Collaborative writing as involving more than one person who contributes to the creation of a text so that sharing responsibility becomes essential. By using Google Docs, the students work in collaborative writing where they can make improvements on each writing they work on. They can gain skills of writing by commenting, for example, grammar, ideas of the writing and other writing aspects. With the use of comments in Google docs the students can remain each other about the grammar, ideas of the writing and other writing aspects that they use in their writing. 

Here is an example collaborative writing using google docs by me and my friends. In this collaborative writing is about guess the word game.

Thank you for your nice attention to read this blog. Hopefully, you will have an interest to use Google Docs in learning writing skill 😊.

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