Classroom Activity with Prezi as a Collaboration Tool

Prezi is a web-based, fancy, interactive PowerPoint. The presentation itself is completely engaging, and can make the students interest to watch. You can embed videos much easier than on PowerPoint, and the most amazing part, is most Prezi presentations are public, so you can use and share other peoples’ Prezi. You have need to know that you have to sign up for a free account first before viewing the presentations. You cannot go wrong with free presentations.

The presentation tool Prezi can be used for more than presentations. I use it to promote collaborative learning in class. It's a good tool to activate all students in working with a topic without the lecturer having to spend a lot of time on preparations. 

Prezi can be used in a collaborative exercise to help the students to cooperate, think about what they are doing and generate new, shared knowledge. The exercise is a good way to keep the students active throughout the entire process, spending their time in a meaningful way by working together to create a resource for their own future use. Prezi allows 12 people to work in the presentation at the same time which means that all groups can work simultaneously in the Prezi.

Performing the exercise:

You need to decide whether you want to give the students resources such as texts, videos or other relevant materials to use in preparation for the exercise.
Before the exercise, make a Prezi presentation focusing on a topic which is relevant for the entire class. Present this topic to the class.
Then choose (or get the class to choose) a number of themes so that each group gets their own theme to work on. If you want the exercise to move in a certain direction, it may be useful for you to choose the themes beforehand.
Divide the students into groups. Each group logs onto Prezi. Up to 12 people can be logged onto the same Prezi, so all the groups can work at the same time.
The groups now build a resource in the shared Prezi in the form of texts, videos, pictures etc.
You need to be present, to walk round the room and answer questions, and to inspire the students.
You can stop the students’ work every 30-60 minutes and spend three minutes on a class discussion in which each group explains how much progress they have made. The other groups can provide input and inspiration for further work.
Finally, the groups present their parts of the Prezi to the rest of the class.

Starting with Prezi, here is the link that you can watch to make an interesting presentation in Prezi

I hope this has been informative for you, and I hope you go and try Prezi. The website is Go, and start working on a presentation

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